05 Oct 2018
How to Save Money this Winter
There’s a chill in the air… Winter is coming… And, if last year was any indication, we’re in for a cold one. The beast from the east 2.0 may grace our shores anytime soon, so it means we’re going to be spending a lot on heating our homes this year. But why should we?
If you’ve just moved into your new home, you may not have spent your first winter there yet. So, how do you know how much your heating will cost you? If you’re panicking over it, try not to (easier said than done, right?). Have no fear, the MO team are here to help you save money on bills this winter! Lucky you, eh?
Find out our top 6 tips to help you save money.
1. Layers, lots of Layers…
Bet Shrek didn’t have to crank the heating up in winter… Making sure that you’re wrapping up and keeping warm is going to help you save. Because more layers means your body will retain more heat. Thick socks, fluffy slippers and jumpers galore! It’s an easy way to utilise what you already have to keep warm in winter instead of investing in heating your home.
2. Replace Old Bulbs
Okay, so you’ve moved in and the lovely previous owner has left you some bulbs, great. Or not… A huge cost on your electricity bill can be the lights around your home, and if you’re not utilising energy efficient bulbs around your home, you’re throwing away money. It’s a small investment to help you save money on utility bills. And with much longer, darker evenings ahead in winter, you’ll be using your lights more and more. So, make sure you swap out your old bulbs for LED energy efficient ones.
3. Meter Readings
One thing that is a common trend in homes in the UK is taking our bills as they are. You may receive a high energy bill and go, ‘oh dear, that’s a lot. Well it is winter’. That’s not always the case. Yes, you will be spending more in winter, but you shouldn’t be overpaying. Some energy providers get it wrong through error, but it doesn’t mean you should overpay.
One way to counter this is to take regular meter readings, to make sure you’re only paying for what you use in your home. If you think there’s an irregularity in your bill, call up and send over your meter readings. They’ll either explain why your bill is so high OR refund/give money off your next bill. Pay for what you use and not what the energy companies say you should pay. The few minutes of grief can be worth the savings, so check your meter!
4. Keep it Down
The higher your heating is turned up, the more your bill will be. Whilst we’re not here to patronise you, many think that the ‘low and slow’ method (keeping your heating on low for a long period of time) is more efficient, but it’s not the case. Because heat will escape your home and it consumes more fuel to keep it warm. To make sure you save money put your heating on a timer or only turn it on when you’re in the home. It will help keep your heating costs down throughout the icy winter.
5. Insulation, insulation, insulation
Whilst many think their home must be energy efficient, as it’s 2018 and all that, but really most homes still aren’t. One way to keep your heating costs down is to make sure you have foam insulation installed. It acts as an extra layer and helps your home retain heat, which means you’re paying less to heat your house up again and again. Invest in insulation!
6. Change your Provider
Many find that they’re overpaying with their current energy provider, and doing a little research can show you how much you could be saving. All you need to do, is do your homework. Find out what other providers can offer you and go with the cheapest one. Switching providers could save you £100s each year (on your bills).
And there’s our tips. Save money and stay warm this winter by following our tips. For more blogs on all things to do with homes and mortgages, visit our Blog section.